Looking for a Vasectomy Doctor? Here Are the Characteristics You Should Seek in Your Provider
Your decision to have a no-scalpel vasectomy may be the be most important family planning decision of your life. The second most important decision will be which doctor will perform the procedure. Northern California Vasectomy founder Dr. Chirag A. Patel specializes in male reproductive solutions with an emphasis on no-scalpel vasectomy, helping diverse patients achieve their goal of controlling their reproductive fates.
You’ve decided that having a vasectomy is the right decision for your goals and lifestyle. Here are the qualities you should seek in your surgeon to ensure the best possible experience and outcomes.
- If there is any uncertainty from the patient about whether he will want children in the future, this will be more effectively determined in an in-person consultation, and the surgeon may conclude that vasectomy may not be an appropriate solution.
- Vasectomy specialization.Physicians who specialize in vasectomy tend to have better patient outcomes than physicians whose treatment scope is broader.
- Expertise in minimally invasive, no-scalpel vasectomies. While traditional vasectomies are still performed, they do not offer better outcomes than no-scalpel vasectomies. In fact, no-scalpel vasectomies are just as effective as traditional vasectomies, but take less time to perform and result in fewer instances of complications and infections. There is no viable reason to undergo a traditional vasectomy involving sutures when you can find a surgeon who specializes in the no-scalpel technique.
- An open demeanor. It is important to be able to have open, intimate discussions with your practitioner. If you don’t feel comfortable asking questions about his or her qualifications, history, or methodology, or if you’re reluctant to reveal your objectives or personal details, then you shouldn’t be in this surgeon’s care.
- Positive reviews and testimonials. Conduct your research on your potential vasectomy surgeons. Not only should you check their credentials, board certifications, licenses, and any actions taken against them, you should read online reviews written by patients. Reviews give the insight of diverse patients into the experience of receiving treatment by the surgeon.
Dr. Patel is a strong advocate for responsible reproduction. He not only serves the cities of Elk Grove, Redding, and Scotts Valley, he volunteers his services to the organization No-Scalpel Vasectomy International (NSVI), and often travels abroad to underserved regions to lend his services to patients seeking permanent contraceptive solutions. He empowers economically unstable families with the resources to receive safe and effective long-term birth control.
NorCalVas gives the Scotts Valley, Elk Grove, and Redding communities access to safe, minimally invasive no-scalpel vasectomy procedures. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Patel, please visit our contact page.
Looking for the Right Valentine’s Day Gift for Your Partner? Why a Vasectomy Could be the Best Present She Ever Received
If you and your partner have come to the mutual decision that you either don’t want children or don’t want additional children, this Valentine’s day, why not surprise her with a vasectomy? Here are a few reasons why having a vasectomy could be the best gift your love life ever received! NorCalVas specializes in no-scalpel, no-needle vasectomy procedures.
If you are in a committed relationship and don’t want to risk pregnancy, various birth control methods are probably part of your intimate repertoire. This Valentine’s day, if you want to not only increase the intimacy between you and your partner, but also remove the risk of an unwanted pregnancy entirely, consider getting a no-scalpel vasectomy.
Here are a few reasons why a vasectomy could help you enhance your and your partner’s love life:
- You don’t have to interrupt intimate moments to install or put on a barrier contraceptive device.
- You eliminate the worry of accidental pregnancy – vasectomies are the most effective method of birth control available.
- Your partner doesn’t have to endure the side effects of hormonal birth control.
Traditional vasectomies have the reputation for being painful and downright frightening. However, no-scalpel vasectomies deliver the same results without the aggressive surgical intervention, severe discomfort, and risk of complications.
No-scalpel vasectomies are quick procedures – most are only 45 minutes. They don’t require sutures, and you can go back to your normal work routine the following day (provided your normal work routine doesn’t involve heavy lifting or extensive physical exertion). After approximately one week of healing, you can resume performing physical activities – exercise, etc. Once your doctor confirms that there are no sperm remaining in your semen, you can engage in sexual activity without taking additional birth control measures. This is typically after approximately two months.
Although a no-scalpel vasectomy seems like a non-conventional Valentine’s day gift, it could be the best one you and your partner have ever received!
NorCalVas – Northern California’s Leading Male Reproductive Health Resource
NorCalVas founder Dr. Chirag A. Patel MD, Ph.D. has dedicated his career to empowering men with the tools and services they need to manage their reproductive options. In addition to providing vasectomy services to the Northern California community, he is also active in global initiatives designed to help underserved populations access reliable birth control. If you think a no-scalpel vasectomy is right for you and you are in or near the Sacramento, Redding, Scotts Valley, or Elk Grove, please don’t hesitate to contact the team at NorCalVas for a consultation.
No-Scalpel Vasectomy Recovery – What to Expect
While no-scalpel vasectomy is a brief, minimally invasive, outpatient procedure, it nonetheless requires some recovery time and preparation for fast and effective healing. Here is what you need to know about no-scalpel vasectomy recovery in order to ensure the fastest and most successful healing process. Northern California Vasectomy founder Dr. Chirag A. Patel has devoted his professional life to giving his community access to safe and effective permanent male birth control solutions.
If you think a no-scalpel vasectomy could be right for your lifestyle and family planning goals, you may be considering have the procedure performed. However, you might be somewhat reticent about undergoing a process that involves a surgical – though virtually non-invasive – technique on an extremely tender region of the male anatomy. Fortunately, no-scalpel vasectomy procedures are remarkably easy for the overwhelming majority of patients, and while some preparations must be made in order to ensure proper healing, it is highly unlikely that complications will arise if even the basic recovery measures are taken. Here’s what you can expect from the procedure, post-op, and recovery.
No-Scalpel Vasectomy Procedure
A no-scalpel vasectomy is an outpatient process that generally takes approximately 20 minutes. First, the surgical site – the scrotum – is numbed using an external numbing agent. The doctor then employs a tool called a hemostat to expose the vas deferentia through the skin of the testes so that they can be sealed, preventing the flow of sperm into the semen. There are no closing sutures required, and the scrotum is bandaged. The sensation of the procedure is often compared to having a rubber band snapped at the entry site.
After the numbing agent wears off, there will be tenderness and even soreness, but this can be managed with cold compresses and over-the-counter pain medication.
While you will likely be able to perform moderate activities, and possibly return to work the following day if your work doesn’t involve physical strain or exertion, it is important to follow a few basic self-care procedures to keep yourself comfortable and to mitigate the risk of infection or stretching of the wound. Here are a few things to remember after your surgery:
- Rest is very important immediately after the procedure. If you had the vasectomy performed in the middle of a workday, it is advisable to take the rest of the day off.
- Use a cold compress to relieve pain and address swelling.
- Check the progress of your surgical site. If pain, redness, bruising, and swelling does not gradually lessen the first few days after the vasectomy, contact your physician.
- Do not perform any strenuous exercise or lift any weight above 10 pounds, as the wound may stretch and reopen.
- Do not have sexual relations immediately after your no-scalpel vasectomy.
- Do not shower or bathe for one or two days after your no-scalpel vasectomy.
Long-Term Recovery
By the end of the first week post-procedure, you should be able to resume moderately vigorous activity (exercise, lifting weights, etc.) and may have sexual relations using external birth control. Your sperm count will not immediately diminish – it will take approximately three months before sperm will no longer be present in your semen. You must mail in your sample to have your semen analyzed before engaging in sexual activity without using contraception.
In addition to being the most effective form of male contraception by a wide margin, no-scalpel vasectomies involve far shorter recovery periods and a reduced risk of complications compared to traditional vasectomies. If you want a long-term contraceptive solution, no-scalpel vasectomy may be a great fit for you.
NorCalVas provides male birth control solutions to the Northern California communities of Elk Grove, Redding, and Scotts Valley. To schedule an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Patel, please visit our contact page.
The Reviews are in – NorCalVas Delivers Exceptional Patient Care for No-Scalpel Vasectomy
Northern California Vasectomy puts patient comfort first – something that our numerous diverse clients appreciate. We’re extremely proud to share our patients’ testimonials about their experience with Dr. Chirag A. Patel during their vasectomy procedures at NorCalVas. Dr. Chirag A. Patel specializes in providing permanent male contraception solutions to communities throughout Northern California.
Very few men look forward to having a vasectomy – on a “fun” scale, traditional vasectomy probably ranks somewhere between traffic court and wisdom teeth extraction. However, although it makes perfect sense to want to avoid having a surgical procedure performed on an extremely tender part of the male body, no-scalpel vasectomy is actually far less of an ordeal than most men anticipate.
While the procedure itself is under 20 minutes and yields only minimal discomfort – it’s nowhere near painful enough to merit an injection of anesthesia – it’s the vasectomy doctor that makes the procedure comfortable for patients. Dr. Patel understands the anxiety men feel surrounding vasectomy, and he helps alleviate it by engaging with patients in a friendly, good-humored, and compassionate way. Here’s what his patients have to say about his commitment to care in their five-star reviews.
“I’m Nothing Short of In Awe of Dr. Patel.”
“Dr. Patel’s demeanor, bedside manner, patience with questions and humor make him one of the best doctors I’ve met. From the initial phone consult and my concerns with a previous double inguinal hernia repair possibly causing complications, operation day and a follow up personal text the next day to see how I was doing; he was amazing. The ‘no-scalpel’ method is a game-changer in healing and recovery time, and I’m here to say Dr. Patel is the doctor you want to perform your surgery.”
”I Would Definitely Recommend [Dr. Patel] to Anyone Looking into the Procedure!”
“My experience with Dr. Patel was awesome. I especially like the online scheduling process. His website is very informative and I had no additional questions for him. The day of the visit was easy, he is very personable, and I appreciate the professionalism and comfort he brings to the procedure process.”
”Dr. Patel Has Earned my Respect and Trust”
”Being in the medical field, I'm no stranger to surgical procedures. This felt more like a dental cleaning than a ‘surgical procedure’. I came in, sat down in a dental type chair dropped trou. 15 minutes of shooting the breeze and it was done. No pain, and no stress. Really no pain! Absolutely blown away at how easy it was. Dr. Patel was excellent. He treated me as a close friend. He is extremely skilled and even joked with me during the process. He gave me his personal cellphone number and checked in with me post to see how I was doing. I absolutely recommend anyone thinking of doing this to go Dr. Patel.”
NorCalVas serves the Elk Grove, Redding, and Scotts Valley communities. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Patel, please visit our contact page.
A No-Scalpel Vasectomy Can Make Sex Fun Again
Worrying about possible pregnancy can lead to emotional strain that can inhibit the enjoyment of the sexual act. Additionally, certain birth control methods can also cause a diminishment of sexual desire. The following article discusses how a no-scalpel vasectomy can help elevate the sexual experience for both partners. Dr. Chirag A. Patel MD PhD. of NorCalVas specializes in men’s health, providing Northern California communities with affordable, safe, and effective male contraception solutions.
Most couples who want to prevent pregnancy rely upon either barrier contraceptive methods (condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps) or hormonal birth control (the pill, the transdermal patch). However, these solutions can seriously affect the sexual response of both partners, but in the case of hormonal birth control, the female partner is more likely to suffer from lack of desire due to the listed side effects. Birth control side effects include but are not limited to:
- Decreased libido
- Mood changes
- Migraines
- Weight gain
It’s easy to see why a person taking hormonal birth control might not necessarily feel enthusiastic about sexual activity. Even barrier birth control methods can interrupt the mood of a sexual encounter, and in the case of some condoms, can dull the sensation. However, if you and your partner know that neither of you wants to have children and would like permanent birth control options, a no-scalpel vasectomy might be your best bet.
A no-scalpel vasectomy is a significant improvement upon the standard vasectomy and has become the common procedure for the majority of men’s health practitioners. It is a fast process that generally takes a maximum of 45 minutes to perform and results in far fewer complications than standard vasectomies. It offers the following advantages over other methods of birth control:
- Permanence. It is permanent, so you don’t have to ever worry about taking a pill, getting a shot, or installing or replacing a device. You can engage in sexual activity spontaneously without having any concerns about unintended pregnancies.
- Simplicity. Compared to female tubal ligation, no-scalpel vasectomy is a simple, fast, and highly affordable procedure. It doesn’t require more than two days of recovery time, and there are no long or short-term side effects.
- No effect on sexual performance or libido. Contrary to popular belief, vasectomies do not affect testosterone production or sexual sensation. It doesn’t even affect the amount or consistency of ejaculate fluid. Most men don’t report any changes at all after having the vasectomy procedure, and a few men find that their sexual response has improved.
If you no longer have to worry about pregnancy and neither partner is suffering from the side effects of birth control, imagine how spontaneous and adventurous your sex life can become! If you live in the Sacramento, Elk Grove, or Redding communities and think that a no-scalpel vasectomy could be right for you, please contact the team at NorCalVas for a consultation.
No-Scalpel Vasectomy: Take the Burden of Contraception Off of Your Partner
In many relationships where neither partner wants children, the women take responsibility for birth control solutions through the use of the pill, IUD, and barrier devices (diaphragm, cervical cap, sponge). The following article discusses the reasons why men should embrace taking permanent birth control precautions through no-scalpel vasectomy. Dr. Chirag A. Patel MD PhD. of NorCalVas has dedicated his career to providing communities all over the world with safe, fast, and effective vasectomy procedures.
Couples who are certain they either want to remain childless or don’t want to add more children to their families may want to consider a no-scalpel vasectomy. The procedure is the most effective form of birth control available (besides abstinence) and presents no adverse side effects for either the short or long term. However, many couples choose to rely on female birth control measures, which are, on the whole, less reliable than vasectomy and – in the cases of hormonal birth control – can lead to challenging, and sometimes serious, side effects. Here are a few of the hormonal effects of common female birth control solutions.
- Increased risk of cervical and breast cancers are associated with the use of oral birth control.
- Increased risk of blood clots associated with the use of the patch.
- Increased risk of yeast infections associated with the use of the ring.
Additionally, many female birth control options require consistent and sometimes complex maintenance – they’re not a set-it-and-forget-it solution. The pill must be taken regularly; the transdermal patch must be replaced weekly for three weeks until menstruation; the ring must be changed after three weeks.
Of course, barrier birth control solutions do not release hormones into the body and therefore will not influence mood or potentially cause worrisome medical conditions. However, diaphragms do have a failure rate of up to 12 percent in women who use it regularly, and cervical caps have a 14 percent failure rate. IUDs have a low failure rate – only 1% -- but can be highly problematic in the event a pregnancy occurs. An IUD can increase the risk of ectopic pregnancies, which can lead to severe internal bleeding.
Vasectomies do not require any follow-up after confirmation that there is no longer sperm present in the patient’s semen. The procedure itself is usually under 45 minutes and does not require a significant period of recovery. Vasectomies do not affect male hormones, do not reduce libido or change sexual sensation.
If you and your partner are certain that you want permanent birth control solutions, a no-scalpel vasectomy may be right for you. If you’re concerned about having a vasectomy performed, be aware that no-scalpel vasectomies are more comfortable, resulting in far lower complication rates, and are faster than standard vasectomies that require sutures. NorCalVas offers safe and affordable no-scalpel vasectomies to the Sacramento, Elk Grove, and Redding communities. To schedule a consultation, please visit our contact page.
What’s a No-Scalpel Vasectomy? What You Should Know About No-Needle, No-Scalpel Vasectomy
Of all the options for male contraception, vasectomy is by far the most effective. If you’re considering a no-scalpel vasectomy, here’s what you need to know about the procedure.Dr. Chirag A. Patel MD PhD. of NorCalVas offers the communities in and surrounding Sacramento fast, comfortable, and effective vasectomy procedures.
There are two commonly known forms of male contraception: condoms and vasectomies. While condoms are convenient, non-permanent, and significantly reduce the risk of STIs, they’re not as effective at preventing pregnancy as vasectomies, which result in pregnancy in only 0.1% of cases within a year of the procedure. Men who want permanent assurance that they will never father children should elect to have a vasectomy.
However, the idea of having a vasectomy makes quite a few men nervous for understandable reasons – having a surgical procedure performed on a highly sensitive part of the body is a scary thought. Fortunately, no-scalpel vasectomy, the procedure done by Dr. Patel is available. Unlike standard vasectomies, which require an incision with a scalpel and stitches, no-scalpel vasectomy is fast, presents a far lower risk of infection and complications, and has a very short recovery time. If you aren’t certain whether no-scalpel vasectomy is right for you, here’s what you should expect.
- No-scalpel vasectomy is an outpatient procedure. Whether you visit a doctor’s office, hospital, or clinic, no-scalpel vasectomy is outpatient when performed as a standalone procedure.
- No-scalpel means no scalpel. The instrument used to perform a no-scalpel vasectomy is called a tissue dissector. The tool is used to make a small hole then spread the tissue. This allows Dr. Patel to bring a small loop of the vas deferens through the skin with an opening that is typically 1/4 inch.
- No-scalpel vasectomies are fast. You should expect the whole process to take no longer than 45 minutes from the moment your doctor sees you.
- Be sure you don’t want to have children. If you’re sure you don’t want children right now but might want them later, then vasectomy is not the right solution for you. Vasectomies – no-scalpel or traditional – are meant to be permanent contraceptive solutions.
There could be a variety of reasons why you want permanent birth control – hereditary disease, you don’t want additional children, or pregnancy could jeopardize your partner’s health. If you’re in Northern California and ready to manage your family planning choices, contact NorCalVas for an appointment.
Five Fast Facts About Vasectomies: What You Didn’t Know About Male Contraception
The thought of enduring a vasectomy procedure makes a lot of men uncomfortable, but vasectomy is an extremely effective contraception solution for men. The following article discusses vasectomy facts you may not have known, and that may influence your decision to have the procedure performed. Dr. Chirag A. Patel MD PhD. of NorCalVas provides Sacramento and surrounding communities with safe, fast, and affordable vasectomy procedures.
Approximately half a million American men elect to undergo vasectomies every year, yet the procedure is shrouded in mystery for a significant portion of the male population. Here are a few facts about vasectomy procedures that may help you decide whether or not the procedure is right for your goals and lifestyle.
- After abstinence, vasectomy is the most effective form of male contraception. That’s right – vasectomies are more effective than any other available birth control method. The post-vasectomy pregnancy rate is 0.1%.
- However, it’s not instantly effective. Vasectomies do not produce immediate results. There is still sperm above the vasectomy site, and until it leaves the body, pregnancy could still occur. Additional birth control measures should be taken until a semen sample shows that no sperm is present in ejaculate fluid, typically two months after the procedure.
- Your sexual performance and desire will not be adversely affected. Men are still capable of producing semen after vasectomy, with no detectable change in volume or other characteristics. While vasectomies do not have a physiological effect on sex drive or sensation, some men report increased desire due to the strain of potential pregnancy being removed.
- Vasectomy recovery is relatively short. You probably won’t have to take off work, unless your job requires a great deal of physical strain. You may resume your workout routine within one week, and discomfort is minimal. If there is soreness, it can be successfully managed with over-the-counter pain medication and cold compresses.
- If you have a vasectomy, consider it a permanent solution. Vasectomies aren’t designed to be reversed. It is critically important that patients recognize that they should not be performed if they think that they may want children in the future.
Northern California Vasectomy specializes in outpatient no-scalpel vasectomy for men in the Redding, Elk Grove, and Sacramento communities. For more information about NorCalVas locations or to contact us regarding having a vasectomy performed please visit our contact page.
Vasectomy or Tubal Ligation? Why a Vasectomy is a Better Solution
If you and your partner are looking for permanent birth control solutions, the following blog will discuss both vasectomy and tubal ligation as permanent contraceptive strategies. Northern California Vasectomy specializes in no-scalpel vasectomies, a safe, effective, and less invasive alternative to traditional vasectomy.
Many people in long-term relationships decide either that they don’t want more children or that they don't ever want children at all. While there are numerous prophylactic tools available that can significantly reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy, couples that want a permanent and fool-proof contraception solution might choose either vasectomy or tubal ligation.
Vasectomy is a surgical procedure performed on men than prevents sperm from being transferred from the testicles into the semen via the vas deferens. Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure performed on women that prevent eggs from being transferred into the uterus from the ovaries via fallopian tubes.
While both procedures are highly effective interventions, many couples may find vasectomy to be a more practical option than tubal ligation. Here are a few reasons why vasectomy – particularly no-scalpel vasectomy – is the better choice.
- No-Scalpel vasectomy is a simpler procedure than tubal ligation. Tubal ligation is a highly complex surgical procedure that requires the patient to go under general anesthetic. Recovery time can also be considerable, with abdominal and upper body pain, bleeding, and discharge lasting approximately four days. No-scalpel vasectomy, however, is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that lasts under an hour from preparation to the conclusion. The patient can resume most activities almost immediately afterward, and normal pain and discomfort can typically be relieved through the use of ice packs and over-the-counter pain killers.
- No-scalpel vasectomy is far lower cost. Because of the need for general anesthetic and the overall complexity of the procedure, tubal ligation can cost approximately $5,000. A no-scalpel vasectomy cost can run between $600 and $1,000, depending upon the location and practitioner.
- There are fewer risks of complications with no-scalpel vasectomy. Tubal ligation and no-scalpel vasectomy procedures are safe when performed by skilled surgeons, but the invasive nature of tubal ligation makes the likelihood of complications far greater than with no-scalpel vasectomy. Additionally, tubal ligation can increase patient risk of ectopic pregnancy, which is a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus, generally in the fallopian tube. These pregnancies can be life-threatening if medically unaddressed.
Every relationship dynamic is different and complex, so the decision which procedure makes the most sense for the couple's lifestyle and goals will depend upon numerous personal factors. However, no-scalpel vasectomy is the simpler, safer, cheaper, and less invasive option of the two, and yet yields equally effective results.
NorCalVas: Helping the Sacramento, Elk Grove, and Redding Communities Access Effective Family Planning Solutions
If you are in the Sacramento or surrounding areas and think that a no-scalpel vasectomy could be right for you, please contact the team from NorCalVas for a consultation.
Dr. Chirag A. Patel is a practitioner of family medicine, specializing in no-needle, no-scalpel vasectomy procedures.
5 Reasons Why Vasectomies Are A Better Contraceptive Solution for Both Men and Women
Vasectomies offer consistent, effective, and long-term pregnancy prevention, making it the most fool-proof contraception option for both men and women. Northern California Vasectomy offers safe and quick no-scalpel vasectomy procedures to the Sacramento and surrounding communities.
As a contraceptive solution, vasectomies are becoming increasingly common – the procedure is performed on roughly 500,000 men yearly.
Vasectomies are the most reliable form of male contraception available, being more than 99 percent effective. It is a form of surgical sterility that delivers permanent birth control, so men who've had the procedure performed won't have to worry about additional contraceptive methods or devices for the rest of their lives.
While vasectomies are performed on men, there are many fantastic advantages for women as well. Here are five vasectomy benefits for both men and women.
- Vasectomies are highly effective. The risk of pregnancy post-vasectomy (and after sperm in the semen has been found to have been eliminated) is lower than one in 2,000.
- No-scalpel vasectomies are simple, outpatient procedures. A no-scalpel vasectomy, also called a keyhole vasectomy, only takes approximately 45 minutes, and can take as little as 15 minutes. Moreover, the recovery time is quick with minimal discomfort, so work and social activities are unlikely to be affected. Best of all, vasectomies are a one-and-done solution.
- Men can take their reproductive fate into their own hands. If a man decides that he doesn't want children, he doesn't have to rely upon his partner's contraceptive choices to ensure no pregnancy takes place.
- Vasectomies offer the best contraceptive success rate for the lowest cost. Vasectomies cost within the range of $600 and $1,000 depending upon the location in which it is performed. This is considerably less money than long-term contraceptive solutions for women (tubal ligation or even birth control pills). Additionally, many health insurance plans cover the cost of vasectomies, so the cost could be even lower.
- Has no effect on sexual function or performance. There is no reduction in libido or sexual gratification post-vasectomy. Some men even find that sexual pleasure increases due to no longer having to worry about possible pregnancy.
NorCalVas – Providing Safe and Cost-Effective Male Birth Control Solutions to the Sacramento Community
At NorCalVas, we offer men the opportunity to manage their reproductive choices effectively and safely. If you live in the Sacramento area and think a no-scalpel vasectomy could be right for you, please don't hesitate to contact our team for a consultation.
Dr. Chirag A. Patel is a practitioner of family medicine, specializing in no-needle, no-scalpel vasectomy procedures.
No-Scalpel Vasectomy: What is it, and Why is it Different from a Traditional Vasectomy?
More and more men are opting for no-scalpel vasectomies as reproductive planning solutions. But what are they, and are they as effective as traditional vasectomies? The following blog discusses no-scalpel, no-needle vasectomies and why they are the preferred vasectomy procedure for many physicians and patients. Northern California Vasectomy offers no-scalpel vasectomy procedures to patients in Sacramento,
While most people have heard of vasectomy procedures, you might not be aware that there are options regarding how the procedure is performed. Essentially, all vasectomies are surgical procedures that cause male sterility. Post-procedure, sperm is no longer transmitted from the testicles through the vas deferens and into ejaculate fluid. However, while traditional vasectomies are performed using a scalpel, no-scalpel vasectomies are performed with a tool called a vasectomy dissecting forceps, which accesses the vas deferens without an incision.
Traditional Vs. No-Scalpel Vasectomies
No-scalpel vasectomies, also known as keyhole vasectomies offer numerous benefits over standard vasectomies. Firstly, no-scalpel vasectomies procedures result in considerably fewer infections and medical complications than standard vasectomies. Traditional vasectomies lead to five times more post-procedure complications than the no-scalpel alternative.
Additionally, the procedure itself is faster and leads to less discomfort than traditional vasectomies. No-scalpel vasectomies are generally 45 minutes (though they can be as quick as 15 minutes) and do not require stitches.
No-Scalpel Vasectomy: A Safe and Effective Male Contraception Solution
Vasectomies are the most effective form of male contraception, with a failure rate of only one-tenth of 1 percent.
While vasectomies do not interfere with sexual function, some men who've undergone vasectomy procedures report that their sexual sensation and libido actually increase, likely due to the burden and stress of potential pregnancy being removed. However, this outcome isn't guaranteed.
Both traditional and no-scalpel vasectomies are designed to be permanent contraception solutions. It is important that you are certain that you want permanent birth control before deciding to undergo surgical sterility.
NorCalVas: Helping Men Take Control of their Reproductive Solutions
If you are in the Sacramento area and are considering permanent birth control solutions, contact the team at NorCalVas to schedule a consultation. At NorCalVas, we are strong advocates of socially responsible family planning, and are proud to provide safe and highly effective surgical contraceptive solutions.
Dr. Chirag A. Patel is a practitioner of family medicine, specializing in no-needle, no-scalpel vasectomy procedures.
Concerned About Family Planning? The Benefits of Vasectomy
While the idea of having a vasectomy may make many men flinch, the vasectomy procedure is nonetheless an extremely effective method of birth control. The following blog discusses the numerous benefits of vasectomy as a permanent family planning solution. NorCalVas offers no-scalpel vasectomies to the Sacramento and surrounding communities.
If you want a long-term pregnancy prevention strategy, a vasectomy is your best possible solution. The procedure is among the most reliable birth control measures available, with more than 99 percent efficacy in pregnancy prevention. Here are a few of the benefits of vasectomy.
Vasectomies are extremely effective birth control measures.
As previously stated, vasectomies are near the top of the list of effective methods of birth control, and are at the very top for male birth control options. Vasectomies are over 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancies, and once performed, they offer permanent sterilization. There is also no learning curve – no remembering to take medication or apply a prophylactic device. Once you have a vasectomy – after the final screening for the presence of sperm – you don't need to worry about possible pregnancy, ever.
Vasectomies are highly convenient.
Although few would argue that any surgical procedure could be considered exactly convenient, in the long term, having a vasectomy means never having to worry about an unintended pregnancy. The no-scalpel vasectomy procedure itself is also considerably less risky than the traditional method, as it takes under an hour (sometimes only 15 minutes from start to finish) and offers a far lower risk of infection or complications.
Many patients experience improvement in sexual function.
Many men feel an increase in libido after undergoing a vasectomy. Though vasectomies don't cause any hormonal changes, many men report that after the stress of pregnancy risk was removed, they feel more inclined to arousal and experienced less difficulty in achieving an erection.
Vasectomies give men the opportunity to make their own reproductive planning decisions.
While condoms are effective birth control tools, and essential for STD prevention, vasectomies give men the ability to take control of their own reproductive fate. Instead of relying upon their partner to take a pill, insert a diaphragm, or undergo a procedure – or worrying about a broken condom – men have a simple and permanent alternative.
NorCalVas – Providing Safe, Long-Term Male Fertility Solutions
Northern California Vasectomy offers no-scalpel vasectomy procedures to men who want to take control of their reproductive fates. If you are in the Sacramento or surrounding areas and would like to schedule a consultation, please contact the NorCalVas team to schedule an appointment.
Dr. Chirag A. Patel of NorCalVas is a practitioner of family medicine, specializing in no-needle, no-scalpel vasectomy procedures.