3 Major Vasectomy Myths Debunked and Disproved
When it comes to the vasectomy procedure and family planning as a whole, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions being passed around that Northern California Vasectomy would like to dispel. In the end, we believe in providing accurate and factual information about male fertility as well as the vasectomy procedure so that our patients and readership can make informed decisions when it comes to their family planning matters.
Myth #1: A Vasectomy Will Compromise a Man’s Sex Drive
First, we’ll go over one common misconception, that a vasectomy procedure will alter or compromise a male patient’s sex drive after the procedure has been completed. This is simply untrue. Male patients will still be able to perform sexually without having to worry about getting their partner pregnant.
Myth #2: A Vasectomy Procedure is Painful
Another common myth is that vasectomy procedures are painful. Much to the contrary, a vasectomy is one of our procedures with the least amount of pain involved. During the procedure you may feel a tugging sensation as your doctor locates the vas deferens. You may also feel a mild ache or dull pain as anaesthesia wears off. Recovery will be fast and relatively pain-free in most cases. If there is pain that persists patients should always contact their physician.
Vasectomies are Invasive Surgical Procedures
Another common misconception about the vasectomy procedure is that it is a highly invasive procedure. Again, much to the contrary, there are actually no scalpel procedures available that incorporate conservative yet innovative techniques that offer even faster recovery times, so you can get back to your life right away.
A Vasectomy Will Work Right Away
Lastly, another common myth about the vasectomy procedure is that it is effective right away. There will still be sperm in the patient’s system, which is why it’s important to use additional birth control methods for the twenty times and 3 months after the procedure a patient has intercourse. After residual sperm has left the body, the vasectomy procedure will be an extremely effective birth control solution.
If you have any questions about Dr. Chirag A. Patel, MD PhD or his credentials as a top vasectomy specialist in Elk Grove, CA and Sacramento, CA, get in touch with us today. Northern California Vasectomy is here to answer any questions you may have about the vasectomy procedure as well as set up your appointment right away. We’ll come up with a personalized plan for you that fits your lifestyle. Contact us today to get started on your family process.