Thinking About a No-Scalpel Vasectomy this Valentine’s Day? Here are 3 Facts You Should Know

Getting a no-scalpel vasectomy this Valentine’s Day could be the most romantic gift your partner has ever received, but you should nonetheless know a few facts before deciding to have the procedure. Here are some things you should know before you schedule your appointment. NorCalVas is Northern California’s premier no-scalpel vasectomy provider. If you are considering undergoing a vasectomy, Dr. Chirag A. Patel will be offering his services on Valentine’s Day.

Vasectomy procedures are the most effective form of birth control available, and if you and your partner do not want children – or additional children – you may have considered undergoing the procedure. However, vasectomy is intended to be a permanent form of birth control, and there are a few things you should know before you take the step.

Vasectomy should be a procedure both you and your partner want.

While the decision not to have any children may seem like one you won’t change, your life may take unexpected turns. It is important to recognize that vasectomies are not necessarily reversible. The procedure may not be right for you if the following conditions apply:

  • You haven’t discussed permanent birth control with your partner.
  • One partner wants permanent birth control more than the other.
  • Either you or your partner may want children in the future.

However, vasectomy could be a good option in the following circumstances:

  • Both you and your partner know that you don’t ever want children or more children.
  • Pregnancy could seriously threaten the health/life of your partner.
  • You and/or your partner carry an inheritable genetic defect that could threaten the life/health of any offspring.

Vasectomy isn’t immediately effective.

Vasectomies are the most effective form of permanent birth control, but they aren’t effective for a few weeks/months post-procedure. You and your partner will need to use other birth control methods/devices until your semen sample indicates that there is no sperm present.

Vasectomies do not influence sexual performance or function.

Vasectomies do not affect hormone levels or sex drive, they don’t decrease the ability to achieve an erection, and they do not impact the appearance or volume of ejaculate fluid. However, some men report that they are more relaxed in intimate moments because the concern about unintended pregnancy is removed.

NorCalVas: Providing Safe and Effective No-Scalpel Vasectomies

NorCalVas founder Dr. Chirag A. Patel MD, Ph.D. is committed to empowering men with the information and resources they need to take control of their reproductive options. In addition to delivering effective no-scalpel vasectomy services to the Northern California community, he also participates in global initiatives that help underserved populations access reliable pregnancy prevention tools and services. If you think a no-scalpel vasectomy is the best option for you and you are in or near the Sacramento, Redding, Scotts Valley, or Elk Grove, please don’t hesitate to contact the team at NorCalVas for a consultation.


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